
Village Physical Therapy of Walworth in Macedon

Logo de Village Physical Therapy of Walworth

Heures d'ouverture

05:30 - 19:00
07:30 - 17:00
05:30 - 19:00
07:30 - 17:00
05:30 - 19:00
08:00 - 12:00

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Village Physical Therapy of Walworth Prestataires de fitness et de santé

1218 Mayberry Place
14502 Macedon


Village Physical Therapy is an outpatient physical therapy private practice focusing on caring for orthopedic, neurological, work and sports-related injuries, balance problems, and pre/post-surgical conditions. We also provide work injury prevention services aimed at preventing OSHA-recordable injuries and lowering workers' compensation costs in the workplace. We operate 3 clinic locations in LeRoy, Batavia, and Walworth/Macedon. Aquatic physical therapy is available at our LeRoy facility and is great for arthritic joints, recent injuries like ankle sprains, and chronic conditions such as lower back pain and fibromyalgia. Post-surgical patients with total knee or hip replacements and lumber disc surgery may benefit from aquatic therapy once the surgical incisions have closed. Our LeRoy and Walworth/Macedon locations also have feature fitness facilities for post- therapy and fitness training.

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